Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
SARVODAYA hospital |
42 |
SEKHON hospital |
42 |
42 |
SIVODAYA hospital +circle |
42 |
SMH shree MANGALAM hospital |
42 |
SUCHAK hospital |
5 |
SURIYARAJA hospital +sun |
44 |
THE SUSHRUT hospital |
42 |
THIND eye hospital |
42 |
TREE G eye care hospital |
44 |
UDAI OMNI hospital |
44 |
UTTAM hospital +hands & lam |
42 |
V VASAVI hospital +plant |
44 |
VI VASUNDHARA hospital +ova |
44 |
VIMS hospital |
42 |
VIMS speciality hospital |
42 |
VIRTUAL hospital |
16 |
VYDEHI hospital |
42 |
W GOLDEN hospital +hands |
44 |
hospital |
44 |
bhopal fracture hospital BF |
42 |
city hospital RESEARCH +ova |
42 |
dental hospital +cartoons |
44 |
eye-care hospital +oval eye |
44 |
hicare hospital +oval & arc |
35 |
hv VISHWANATH hospital |
16 |
janta hospital |
42 |
sri SAI KAMALA hospital |
42 |
used most in hospital |
5 |
virtual hospital |
9 |
hospitality world +globe |
16 |
C CELEBRATIONS hospitality |
35 |
CARLSON hospitality worldwi |
16 |
CHA college of hospitality |
41 |
CHECK-INN hospitality |
9 |
CLEAN-N-CLEAR hospitality |
37 |
CU CHEFS UNITED hospitality |
43 |
hospitality |
41 |
IHHR hospitality |
16, 42 |
K RAHEJA hospitality |
42 |
KHFM hospitality +tick |
35, 43, 44, 45 |
LE HOST hosting hospitality |
9 |
LONG WORTH hospitality |
43 |
MENDA hospitality +circle |
43 |
NIRMAL hospitality |
42 |
SOHAM hospitality +bird |
42 |
THRS travel & hospitality |
35 |
TRUE hospitality +square |
30 |
TULSIYAAN hospitality ideas |
41 |
VH VALYOU hospitality |
29 |
WOODBINE hospitality resort |
35 |
ZENITH hospitality +sun |
39 |
goa food & hospitality +cup |
41 |
home & hospitality +woman |
43 |
hotel & hospitality TRENDS |
16 |
JAYPEE hospitals |
20 |
KAIRALI hospitals +squares |
44 |
MITHR hospitals +arcs |
16 |
MITHR hospitals +men |
16 |
NRI group of hospitals |
42 |
PARAS hospitals |
42 |
RJR hospitals +sun & leaves |
44 |
S SUDHA hospitals NEW BIRTH |
44 |
SANDHYA eye hospitals +line |
44 |
SANIA hospitals +circle arc |
44 |
SUNSHINE hospitals +flower |
16 |
TULASI hospitals |
35, 42, 44 |
WOCKHARDT hospitals +arrows |
5 |
host |
16 |
SYNAPSE host glite |
9 |
computing host +arcs |
42 |
SH SARSWATI girls hostel |
42 |
16 |
JUNIOR hosting +boy |
42 |
LE HOST hosting hospitality |
9 |
hostogeri |
14 |
H&FS hosts |
16 |
anand hosy POLO |
25 |
l.n. hosy. KANKAN kalighat |
25 |
hot & hot natural tea |
30 |
9 |
hot BYTE |
11 |
hot DEVIL |
30 |
hot KING |
30 |
hot KING +king & chain |
21 |
hot KRISPY KREME original |
42 |
hot LINKS |
21 |
hot MAGIC +flames |
11 |
29 |
hot N COOK +square |
11 |
hot PATCH |
10 |
hot PEPPER |
25 |
hot PINK |
20, 24 |
hot SAMS +triangle |
30 |
hot SEAT |
10 |
hot SHOP |
9 |
hot SHOT |
32 |
hot SHOTS |
29, 30 |
hot SPOT |
11 |
hot STAR |
21 |